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Credit Where it's Due or Don't Be Aftraid to Use CC

In: Designelearning

In a previous position, when I was designing marketing (flyers, mostly) I really enjoyed the opportunity but I always spent hours searching for images. Over the years, I’ve collected a lot of different websites (check out several of my favorites on my Free Resources Pinterest board) but I always struggled with trying to only use public domain images. No, not because of licensing issues. Those were mostly, pretty clear. It was the attribution requirement on many of the resources. I always found myself wondering, “Where the heck am I going to squeeze the credits.” Now, while this is a legitimate concern in a paper-based design where real-estate is finite, I found that this concern followed me on my path to eLearning. I was still rejecting images because I was still asking myself about where to stick the credits. Well, its time to break free of that kind of thinking. In an imperfect world, where you may not have access to a ton of quality stock vectors or music or photos, the creative commons can be an incredible source of stock. While your on-screen real-estate is also finite, remember slides (or whatever your rapid eLearning tool calls them) are free. Here are three out-of-the-way places where you can put your credits.

  1. Use the Help: If you have, or are required to have, any sort of help section for your course or module, this is a perfect place to put credits. You don’t have to put them right on screen. A nicely placed button with a pop-up does the trick.
References in death investigation course
References and credits can go in a separate help or information section of a course
  1. Put credits where credits usually go: If you’ve been fortunate enough to be able to split up your course and concentrate on interactions, the end of an interaction is a perfect place to put put credits. Again, if space is limited or on-screen credits just don’t fit with the design, put in a button and link to another page or a pop-up. Even if you’re using a video or creating an infographic, you could use this method.
Credtis in BAC game
Credits can go very well at the end of an interaction
  1. Inline (If you can get away with it): If it fits with your design, you could also put credits right on the page. Since they aren’t main content, feel free to make them small, but still legible.
Credits in types of glass interaction
If you can, you might be able to work credits into your on-screen design

I’m sure you could think of other ways, but you get my point. Open your mind to the wonderful world of Creative Commons resources.